Jamie Danielle
Goal Update
I am pretty screwed right now. I have until Tuesday (12/7) to pay $246.70 to my landlord for the late utilities that were included in rent. If I dont pay it by then I have to pay an extra $200 in court fees and such for eviction. Any help towards this will be extra appreciated and rewarded HUGE. :P It has to be through paypal for me to get it on time. Message me for details!

$246 to go!
Contribute Now and get special surprises!

I am also late on my old utility bill and owe $375 to them by Tuesday as well. These payments can be made straight to the electric company for HUGE surprises and thank you presents! If I don't pay it by Tuesday I lose my electric so no more camming for awhile if I don't get it together in time.

*$375 to go!
Contribute now for special surprises!
Add Me!
Skype: jamie.danielle3
Yahoo: modeljamied@yahoo.com
Email: modeljamied@gmail.com